Ø 500 gms pork tender loin, cut into 1 inch cubes
Ø 25 ml white wine
Ø 1 tsp sugar
Ø Salt and black pepper
Ø 85 ml light malt vinegar
Ø 50 gms castor sugar
Ø 120 ml tomato ketchup
Ø 225 gms can pineapple pieces drained, juice kept aside
Ø ½ chicken stock cube
Ø 3 tblsp corn flour
Ø 1 tsp sesame oil
Ø 2 egg yolks
Ø Oil for frying
Ø 1 onion finely chopped
Ø 2 red or green peppers seeded and cut into cubes
Place the pork in a shallow dish and sprinkle with wine and sugar. Season, cover and keep aside.
Meanwhile, mix vinegar, sugar and ketchup together. Make up the pineapple juice to 150 ml with hot water, add stock cube, then stir into the ketchup mixture. Stir in 1 tblsp corn flour 1 tsp salt and the sesame oil.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks with the remaining corn flour. Heat oil in a deep-fat-frier to 185oC. Drain pork, dip in the egg yolk mixture and deep fry for 4 minutes or until golden. Drain and keep aside.
Now heat 2 tblsps oil in a wok or frying pan. Add onion and stir-fry for 1 minute. Then stir in the pepper, ketchup mixture, pork and pineapple pieces. Heat through, stirring. Serve at once. Serve 6.