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Barbequed Spare Ribs

Ø  2 to 2.50 kg pork spare ribs
Ø  80 ml clear honey
Ø  Spring onion tassels, to garnish

For the marinade:

Ø  100 gms soft brown sugar
Ø  25 gms salt
Ø  100 ml soya sauce
Ø  65 ml white wine
Ø  25 ml ginger wine
Ø  Pinch of red food colouring powder

Trim any excess fat from the spare ribs. Using a strong sharp knife, cut between the bones to divide the spare ribs into portions of 2 to 3 chops each

For making marinade:

Mix sugar, salt, soya sauce, wines and colouring matter in a shallow dish. Stir in the spare ribs, cover and leave to marinate for 2 hours, turning occasionally.

Drain the spareribs, shaking off any excess marinade and place in a shallow baking tin. Brush with some of the honey, then roast in the oven preheated to 200oC for 25 to 30 mts. Turn the spareribs over, brush with remaining honey and roast for a further 25 to 30 mts until tender.

Serve at once as a starter; garnished with spring onion tassels if you so like. Provide finger bowls and napkins as the spareribs are sticky to eat. Serve 4 to 6.