Ø 1 kg tender stalk and soft leaves of sarson (mustard)
Ø ½ kg soft spinach leaves
Ø 100 gms wheat flour
Ø 1 inch long piece of ginger
Ø 2 red chillies finely chopped
Ø 4 green chillies chopped
Ø 2 medium onions, finely minced
Ø ½ tsp fresh lemon juice
Ghee for seasoning and cream for garnishing the dish.
Wash the spinach and mustard leaves thoroughly and make fine pieces of the tender stalks of mustards plant. Put them into the pressure cooker. Add about 2 cups of water. Make the pressure cooker give at last three whistles and put it on the sim-flame and cook it for about an hour. Now in this semi dry paste add wheat flour and stir it thoroughly in a mixer. When the paste is smooth put in salt, red chillies and little fresh cream or butter. Add ginger and garam masala. When it is partly dry, take it off the flame and season it with a liberal dose of ghee in which onion shred, green chillies and cumin seeds have been mixed. Serve it hot, garnished with fresh butter. This dish will paste super with Makke-di-Roti.