Take 4 heaping cups thin poha and heat to toast over medium heat
in a dry skillet.
Put 2/3 cup of oil and heat in another skillet. Add 4/5 cup
peanuts in skins and 1 cup split dalia. Brown these and drain taking them out
of the oil.
Add 4/5 cup cashew pieces to the oil and brown. Take out of the
oil and drain.
Add 3 large branches of curry patta, 1tsp white til (sesame
seed)and 1/2 tsp coriander to the oil.mix in the toasted poha, peanuts, dalia
and cashews and stir on low heat.
If desired you can add 1 can of shoestring potatoes .Then add 1
tsp salt, 1-2 tsp sugar and lime powder or citric acid to taste. Stir all.