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Chicken Stuffed

Ø  1 large size chicken
Ø  2  tsps pepper
Ø  Salt to taste

For the stuffing

Ø  2 small sized potatoes
Ø  1 slice of bread
Ø  2 onions
Ø  4 green chillies
Ø  1” pieces ginger
Ø  Liver and heart of the chicken
Ø  2 cups ghee

Wash and clean the chicken thoroughly. Open out its abdomen and take out the liver, intestines, etc. and wash them thoroughly. Now prepare the stuffing material. First of all, soak the bread slice in milk. Boil potatoes and mash them uniformly. Now add all the ingredients to the liver, etc., together with sufficient quantity of salt and pepper. Stuff the whole material into the chicken. Leave some margin to let the stuffing swell when roasted. Sew up the opening with a big needle and thread.

Now grind all the spices garam masala, salt, etc. and smear over the chicken. Tie up its legs together. Bake the chicken after applying ghee liberally over the chicken. Continue baking it till it becomes golden brown from all the sides. Serve it hot.